Phineas Jack was born on November 16Th @ 6:17pm. It was very unexpected! On Sunday night I started having contractions and right at midnight when Sam got home from work they got really intense. By around 1:30am I had to go to the hospital! We got there and they hooked me up to the machines. I was contracting every couple of minutes but not dilating. They sent me home and gave me a couple of Ambien. The nurse told me to relax and get some sleep. So we go home and I try to sleep and it works but every 5 minutes I wake up in pain! I took 3 baths that night to try and relax. By noon I had to go back in the hospital. The pain was too intense. I get there and still no dilating! The nurse tells me to walk around to try to get hings moving. I can hardly walk at this point. The pain is not stopping and spreading down into my legs. After about 30 minutes I go and they hook me back up. My doctor comes in and said they could not give me anything to jump start the dilating because I am not 39 weeks yet. He finally checks me and I am 6cm!!! Sam and I couldn't have been happier.
I finally got an epidural and relaxed. A couple of hours later the doctor comes in and keeps checking the monitors. Phineas' heartbeat keeps dropping. They give me some meds to speed up things up. Finally they come in the say I was going to start pushing. They gave me an oxygen mask because the more oxygen I am getting the better for the baby. After about 15 minutes of pushing, he was out! They had me grab him and pull him out and he layed on my chest for about 30 seconds until they took him away. His cord was around his neck and foot. I couldn't believe it. Sam and I were so happy he was here but were worried. The nurse gave him some oxygen and they had a Respiratory Therapist come in and check him out. He was so little and cold! The nurses took him to the nursery for awhile to warm him up.
I didn't get to see him again for about another hour. Once he was back I was able to start breastfeeding and bonding with him. We only had to spend 24 hours in the hospital. I couldn't wait to get home and see Roman!
Things are going good! Phineas is fitting in great! He is such an easy baby. He sleeps independently. He eats a lot and poops! Roman has his good and bad days. He wants to play with Phineas and doesn't quite understand why he can't carry him around. Tonight he kind of broke down and just cried when I was feeding Phineas. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
We found out we will need a new transmission on our car. So... we are buying a new car in a couple of months. Thank goodness for tax returns!!
I am having problems posting pictures so I will post some later
It's a little of this and a little of that. Parenting through the ups and downs. Embracing special needs parenting. Raising our kids with some purpose and hoping they grow up happy and confident. And some days just winging it! We also have a beagle and live in the country. Good music. movies, and total pop culture junkies. Married. Happily.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
About to Pop!!!

I am 38 weeks pregnant today. I went into the doctor on Wednesday and I was 1cm dilated. My doctor thinks it will happen in the next week or so. I go in again next Wednesday and she is going to try to jump start my labor. I won't go into detail but it is not comfortable!! She said he will be around 7 1/2- 8 pounds. I am hoping he is born next weekend. I still need 1 more week of rest before the madness begins!
Roman is doing really good. He is sleeping in his own bed at night. Some nights he wakes up crying around 3 or 4 and we bring him into our bed. As long as he has slept in his own bed for at least 7 or 8 hours, I don't mind having him in our bed for a couple of hours. He loves the book "Where the Wild Things Are". We read it to him every night and it really keeps him calm and excited to get into his crib.
Sam is working a lot of extra hours right now. His best friend Paul just had a baby and is on paternity leave from work so Sam is able to pick up extra hours. Right when Paul goes back to work, Sam will leave on his paternity leave. I swear we didn't plan it that way, it just happened that I got pregnant 3 weeks after his girlfriend did! It's been nice having someone to go through the pregnancy with that understands everything I'm going through!
We are having car problems (like always). We need transmission work done and a new power steering pump. We pretty much aren't taking our car anywhere. Sam takes him truck to work and to run errands if needed. Sam might do some of the work himself and find someone else to do that stuff that involves the transmission.
So baby Phineas will be here soon and we will keep everyone posted with pictures on our blog and on my facebook!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Roman is 2!!

Yesterday Roman celebrated his 2nd birthday. We had a pretty low key day. He went to his wellness visit, He is in the 100th percentile for his height and 80th percentile for his height. He got a flu shot and did really well. After that we went grocery shopping and then went swimming. He is doing so well in the pool. He was actually ok with dunking his head! He is very close to treading water. We had a nice dinner at home and some cake! I feel like he is so much older today! He says "please" and "thank you", he is also saying "whats that?" all the time!! We got him an easel for his birthday so him and Sam can do art together.
I have about 5 weeks left until my due date. I'm starting to slow down alot. I spend much more time releaxing these days. Everything is ready for Phineas to get here!! We had to turn Romans room into a room suitable for a 2 year old and newborn. I sometimes worry I won't remember how to take care of a newborn because I am so used to a toddler but I'm sure it will all come back to me. Roman will come up and kiss my belly and say "baby!". I had him watch a birthing video the other day but I still don't know if he really understands whats going on. He has been extra needy lately so I feel like he knows something is up...
We will try to make sure to keep everyone updated when I go into labor and give birth. I try to keep my facebook page updated a lot. Sam doesn't really use his email or facebook page so mine is kept updated with pictures and whats going on. We have wi-fi on our laptop so we will probably be emailing from the hospital!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Whats new?

It's almost October and we have a lot going on! Roman is almost done with swim lessons. He is doing great! In the springtime we will put him in the next level, until then we are just going to take him to open swim time, so he can stay comfortable in the water. Next week Sam and I are leaving Roman for an entire day to go to the Mariners play. I've never left Roman for more then a couple of hours. I'm sure he will be fine... On Sunday we are going pumpkin picking and to a fall fruit festival, a tradition in our family. We are celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary on the 7th!!
A few weeks after that, Roman turns 2! He is talking a lot. He is learning Please and Thank You and can do his ABC's up until "J". I am over 31 weeks pregnant. It's going by really fast. We can't wait to see our new son. I love being pregnant but I'm getting ready to be done.
It's definitely feeling like Fall up here. It was 38 degrees when I took Buckley outside this morning! Hope everyone is happy and healthy!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I've been trying to email pictures and post some on here but having problems with that. Roman started swim lessons today. He has to start in the very beginning class and work his way up. While the instructor was talking to the parents, he was climbing on the edge and jumping off the side!! Sam is his swim buddy, and I sit on the sidelines and take pictures. He did really great today. I have about 11 weeks left till Phineas is due. Right now I'm feeling great! We have everything ready for his arrival. The cradle is even sitting next to the bed. Other than that, Sam is just working a ton (like always!) I've been taking Roman to new activities such as toddler time, the library story time, and a really cool bouncy house place. This kid needs to run off his energy everyday!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nothing too exciting going on here. We are pretty warm right now. It's getting better but still a little too hot for our liking! I've taken Roman swimming in Lake Whatcom a couple of times to cool off. Sam is working 10 days in a row right now, but at least his work has air conditioning. We have plans to go camping next weekend but have no reservation and everything is booked, so we will see what happens. I went to the doctor on Friday and Finn looks great and everything is looking good. Other than horrible back pain, I'm doing pretty good!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Phineas Jack Abraham
We are happy to say we found out we are having a boy! His name will be Phineas Jack Abraham. He looks nice and healthy and was rolling around like crazy. We kept ALL the clothing Roman ever wore, so we are good to go! The due date is still November 27th.
We also had so much fun at the Mariners game. They beat the Padres. We were able to see Steve and Grandma Barbara also. The weather was so beautiful and Roman was excited and so tired by time we left.
I have pictures but they aren't uploading right now so I will try again later!!
We also had so much fun at the Mariners game. They beat the Padres. We were able to see Steve and Grandma Barbara also. The weather was so beautiful and Roman was excited and so tired by time we left.
I have pictures but they aren't uploading right now so I will try again later!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
As you can see, I cut all of Romans hair off! He looks sooo cute and is much cooler in the heat. He is talking alot, he favorite word is 'baseball'. We are going to see the Mariners vs. Padres next Thursday. Sam is working ALOT. He is on a 9 day stretch right now of closing shifts, so he gets home around midnight. He really is liking his job and got a promotion to a full-time position with more responsibilities.
We find out on the 30th if we are having a little boy or girl. If it's a girl we are having a HUGE boy clothing garage sale in July. We kept everything from Roman so we are pretty set. We will be buying a bassinet, I don't think I can have 2 kids in the bed!
I've been feeling pretty good so far. I still have morning sickness but it's getting better. Chasing Roman around all day is keeping me feeling good. I lost 10 pounds in the 1st trimester and haven't gained any back. My doctor thinks it's ok though. I'm not giving in to all my cravings, like I did with my first pregnancy.
Other then that we are just enjoying the summer (even though we enjoy the rain more than the sun) We have a nice veggie garden going. Buckley is doing good, still kind of crazy but mellowing out a ton!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Our 1st Potty Training Attempt!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tons of New Pictures
These pictures are all from the last month. We spent a day in Seattle at Vegfest and the Seattle Science Center. Also, some pictures are from our trip to La Connor. The bottom pictures are Roman playing in our backyard and his FIRST EVER haircut. The very bottom picture is the before... Things are going really good here!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
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